Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Holiday Review

Wow how time flies! It feels like the June Holidays have just started moments ago, and now we are back to school again! Back for the third phase of shelling from teachers, bombardment of homework and a barrage of tests. Though I am quite disappointed and irritated at the fact that the holidays are gone, I have resolved to let it go and move on.

Now the question is - What did I do over this four weeks of holiday? Truthfully speaking, I did nothing meaningful. I'm a planner, but not a doer, which is irritating as I've spent almost the whole of the last week of the second term sketching out the things I have instructed myself to do, and in the end, virtually nothing was completed.

Well one of the things that I have told myself umpteen times to do is to read books. Yes, books are useful tools if we want to improve on our languages, and I'm glad that I have at least managed to complete one, but what gets me all worked up is not reading a Chinese book. As most of my friends know, I am not really good at Chinese. My parents have been telling me to read one, but no matter how many times I tell myself to do it, I just can't bring myself to do it, but simply deceive myself by saying, " Oh don't worry, you've still got time, just do something more interesting." In the end, I never got started.

Secondly, I have planned to clear my room. On the surface it might look clean, but search my closets and shelves, and you get a whole different view. During the school term, sometimes I rush to pack my bag after completing an assignment, and in the process leaving unneeded books and notes on my workplace, before dozing off in bed. As a result, my work is left everywhere. Thankfully, I still managed to locate my things when I need them. But with piles of paper stacked over my desk, it becomes rather unsightly. And what irks me is that it still remained the way it was when the third term started.

Thinking on how much discipline I lack in completing task, I despised myself and began going into depression. But I pulled myself out of it as I told myself - Being depressed is like sitting on a rocking, being stuck at one spot, unable to move forward. It wasn't worth crying over spilled milk. And so I've learnt to face my problems with confidence, and to not be knocked down by previous failures, but to grow out from them and learn from them.