Friday, February 27, 2009

Time Management

This morning in school, I had a 1 hour talk on time management conducted by my consortium's counsellers. They gave us a worksheet on how did you spend your time for the week and how do you plan to spend it. After we had completed the worksheet, they then call up some of my classmates to share how they had spend their week and how do they plan to spend it. I had a friend who played in the afternoon and crammed all his haomework in the night at 10.00pm to 1.00am the next morning! The counsellers then shared with us the importance on good time management and the consequences of bad time management and showed us a video clip from youtube on time management.

Honestly, I feel I have bad time management but I am trying to make an effort to change that. I am also a procrastinator and I dislike it as the feeling of pressure of doing your homework and assignments piled up over a period of time is terrible! Though I have not made much progress, I am still trying hard to get rid of this horrible habit.

In conclusion, I believe that having good time management is important as we can efficiently complete a task assigned to us according to priority. Everyone is given an equal amount of time, 24 hours and no extra. Once the time have past, we cannot take it back. So how we want to spend our time depends on us.

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