Friday, June 26, 2009

LA Assignment

Hello, this is the final post for the my Holiday assignment and the topic today is: Is progress necessarily beneficial for society?

It is definite that everyone wants to improve, not become worst. Like, who would want to perform even worst for things like studies. That would be totally ironic. For example, whenever I like gaming online and my goal is to move to the next level. But that requires me to improve my skills, reflexes and hand-eye coordination. But do not worry, I am not addicted to it.

But that does not mean that progress is always a good thing. I will take reference from the novel, Village by the Sea, to prove my stand. In this case, the Goverment had to built factories in Thul which is part of progression. What they did not consider was the villagers in Thul. The Goverment actually took the land and sea from them, and as a result, the people of Thul lost their livelihood, some as a fisherman or farmer. The factories, once built, would pump poisonous chemicals into the sea killing the fishes and emit harmful gase into the air, polluting it. By building the factories would occupy the fertile land or Thul. To make matters worse, The villagers were not given a job in the factories as they only know how to fish and grow crops.

How would the villagers find a job to support their families and where are they going to stay?
Therefore, I conclude that progress is not essentially beneficial for the society.


  1. Nice blog post!
    I also agree you.Life is ,the simpler the better.So therefore, leading a simple modern life is better than progressed life.Right?:)!
