Wednesday, March 3, 2010

E-Learning Assignment- Multiple Intelligence Learning Profile

Hey guys! Here is my multiple intelligence learning profile results:

Linguistic -17

Logical -16

Interpersonal -18

Intrapersonal -17

Musical -17

Visual/Spatial -16

Naturalistic -17

Alright, first of all, what I feel about my intelligence test results. Well, when I saw my results, I was quite surprise. For me personally, I think I am more of a intrapersonal and naturalistic person. I did not expect myself to be a linguistic and musical person. Want to know why?

First of all, for linguistic, I'm not really good at languages, both English and Chinese. Whenever I communicate in Chinese, my pronunciation would sometimes sound really awkward and would frequently have many pauses in between. As for English, sometimes I would stammer or just get tongue-tied for no apparent reason. Secondly, musical. I cannot play any instruments, though I tried learning the piano about six years ago but gave up due to the lack of commitment. Furthermore, I cannot compose a song or a poem. On the other hand, I love music as it is one way I can just relax and clear my mind from all my troubles, other than playing sports and sleeping.

Now, what I feel about the test. For the cons, I find the questions of the test are a little inaccurate and unreliable, though I cannot point out why specifically. Maybe it is because I did not expect certain results to turn out the way I wanted, or it is just a gut feeling. As for the pros, the test results might provide us with some encouragement, by giving us a little 'surprise'. For example, in my case, I did not expect myself to be a musical and linguistic person, but it might tell me that I have potential in these areas that I have yet to discover, which might give me some encouragement to leave my comfort zone to explore and unlock the potential that I might hold in these areas.

Overall, I am quite satisfied with the test and my results as it has given me a more or less idea of what I am gifted in, which I have been dying to find out. Though I am still not quite convinced.

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