Sunday, March 7, 2010

One more week the end of term 1

Hooray!!! The end of term 1 is near! After two months or so of blood, sweat and tears, I could finally initiate my 'sleeping marathon'! However, there are some things in my holiday schedule which causes me to have mixed feelings for the coming long-awaited March holidays.

Firstly, I will talk about why I'm looking forward to this one week of holiday. During this period of time, I would be able to reflect on the mistakes I made during the first term and brainstorm of solutions to solve or improve on them. For example, in the case of my studies, I could meditate on what went wrong before or during the test, and come up with a timetable to better manage my time and draft out a revision checklist to guide me as to what to revise during the second term.

Secondly, I could also use this time to catch up with my friends and break the ice together. After graduating from Primary school in 2008, we did not have as much time as we had during primary school to hang out due to studies, CCA commitments etc. Also, because we were all in different schools. The March holidays would be a good time to catch up with them by going to movies, eating together or just spend a day at one of my friend's houses, doing nothing but playing and eating.

Now, I will be talking about why I dread the coming March holidays. Well, firstly, I have CCA trainings the whole week except for Wednesday and the weekend, and it starts at 8 in the morning. The thing is, I do not dislike going for trainings, it's the travelling that irks me. To make it in time for training, I have to wake up at 6.30 in the morning, and catch the bus at 7. Why? Well, that's because I live considerably far away from the school and secondly, at 7, that's when the morning rush hour commences, and traffic jams are rife at this time. I would also have to squeeze with the morning rush hour crowd in the bus for about 1 hour or so. Another reason why I dread the coming holidays is also because of certain activities that I need to attend during the one week, which might stretch the whole afternoon.

With all this activities during the holidays, some of you might even consider this as a normal schooling week. But I guess this is normal for a secondary school student, and we must all learn how to adapt to this kind of life.

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