Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy 78th Birthday Grandma!

Today was one of the best times I had in my life!!! I think it is the first time I celebrated my grandma's birthday as I cannot recall another like this in the past.

Well, the celebration was scheduled to begin at 6.30 in the evening at my cousins' semi-detached house, with dinner kicking off this memorable event. But it began at 7 instead as some of my relatives arrived late or were catching up with one another. For me, I spent the half an hour hitting ladies' fingers off from a tree using a long wooden pole along with one of cousins. Sounds weird right? My cousin happen to have a ladies' fingers tree growing in their backyard, and since we was bored, we decided to do this to past the time. All the ladies' fingers that we acquired were given to my aunt.

After wolfing down the scrumptious dinner, we gathered to have our family photo taken. We had a few formal shots before having a couple 'funny' shots. I recounted myself trying to 'decorate' my cousins that I nearly fell off the stairs! When this was done, the kids went to play with their game consoles while the adults just spend their time talking to one another.

Then, here comes my favourite part of all - the singing of the birthday song! Seeing the smile on my Grandma's face really touched me as I have not seen her smile like that before and I knew she was really ecstatic to see her children gathering together to celebrate her birthday. Then, the cutting of the cake followed before the eating of it. Somehow while eating my share of the cake, I unknowingly spilled some cream on my shirt, but I think no one noticed it. Then, after downing cups of water and seeing my younger cousins playing with fire, it was time to say goodbye.

During this event, it really made me appreciate having such an amazing grandmother. Whenever my father announced that we are paying a visit to her, I would sigh and start whining about how boring it would be, and start coming up with excuses to avoid going out to visit. But this event made me realized that this little visit could really brighten up my grandma's day and would go a long way for her. I have since decided to change my mindset and stop taking my grandmother for granted.

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