Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today during our level assembly, we had a principal's dialogue on this year's assessment method. The discussion on this topic brought up certain thoughts that I have made some time ago, which was on the suitable study environment for students to bring out their true potential in them.

In today's education, many students are made to follow a system, which sometimes is not suitable for certain students. Certain students are just not able to adapt to the structural, fast-paced system, therefore "switching off" as they are not able to absorb anything and cannot keep up, therefore losing out. This systems also gives little time to explore and discover their potential in other areas besides academics. These students need to take things at their own pace, to have a personal space, as stress is created to perform well, thus pressure is created, preventing them from unleashing their potential in certain areas. This kind of flexible system is difficult to achieve as this is very costly, requiring a lot of resources.

Therefore, I want to conclude with this, that everyone is good at something, only time will reveal to them their special ability. Hence, you do not necessarily have to excel in academics, an all-rounded to be successful in life, but with diligence in trying to improve your talents, and a little luck, will you be carried far in life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

North West Run!

This event was held at woodlands, in hand with this years' YOG. I was there to run as my coach needed to use this as a gauge to select next year's cross- country.

And so, we arranged to meet at the train station. Then, we did our warm-up, stretching and necessary drills before moving off to the start line. We lined up at the front, and when the siren was blown, we took off! During the beginning phase of the run, I felt relaxed and composed, but soon my legs got tired and and felt like there were bricks being piled up onto my thighs. Nevertheless, I pushed on further, telling myself that the heavy feeling was only temporary. And true enough, when I spotted the finishing line, the weight was taken off my thighs and I flew off.

This one of the most memorable event as the atmosphere there was wonderful. Seeing everyone donning the SYOG T-shirt lining up at the starting line, itching with excitement, unable to wait for the time when they could run. Music blasting at ear-drumming levels, seeing everyone being happy just made it better. Also, I got to spend time with my mother. After the run, we had dinner at together, something that I have not done for a long time since graduating from primary school. It was the best day ever.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Book Review

Hi! Its great to be back again! Now I'm going to with you about a book that I read over the four-day long weekend - Overload.

This 500-page book, written by Arthur Hailey, talks about a possible energy calamity, "when nature's crippling forces and man's dangerous passions merge to create a crisis of major proportions, the fate of Golden State Power & Light (A utility) becomes a matter of life and death for thousands." This story warns of the ultimate catastrophe - a world without light and power - just a terrifying millisecond away.

Basically, this story takes place in California, America, and told through a guy by the name of Nimrod, or Nim for short. It talks about America being in a state where it was running low on oil supplies, as countries that used to sell them oil has imposed an embargo on their precious 'black gold' unless America agreed to trade oil for gold. As a result, the possibility of having no electricity seems to draw nearer, with rolling blackouts occurring and power disruptions going off unexpectedly. Golden State Power & Light (GSP & L) then has to come out with solutions for an alternative source of energy, which was always met with opposition - the press, producing one-sided stories to attack GSP & L's policies, Friends of Freedom, a four-team fanatical terrorist group which constantly plans and organised bomb attacks on GSP & L's substations and power plants, and the Sequoia club, an environmentalist club known for its sound and well-drawn arguments, which would stop at nothing until they accomplish their goal.
In the end, the press switched sides, Friends of Freedom eliminated, and the Sequoia club disbanded.

I know this may sound cliche, but remember to save electricity in any way you can. Though your effort may seem small, but with everyone's effort brought together, the difference is greater. Do your part, for future generations, and for the Earth.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Cousin!

Hey! I'm back! Now I'm going to share with you on the celebration of my cousin birthday.

My cousin's birthday falls on the eve of national day! How cool is that? Celebrating his birthday brought back all the memories we shared together. When we we younger, and when we vistied out grandmother, the two of us together with our brothers would be at the void deck of the block playing soccer! And I still remembered that during those times, our mums would always made sure that they had brought an extra set of clothings for us to change.

However, when we grew up, we grew distant from one another, as we had more work and so the times we saw each other were lessened. But anyway, the time spent there was great. We managed to catch up by playing soccer and game consoles together. How lucky I am to have such a wonderful cousin!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Holiday Review

Wow how time flies! It feels like the June Holidays have just started moments ago, and now we are back to school again! Back for the third phase of shelling from teachers, bombardment of homework and a barrage of tests. Though I am quite disappointed and irritated at the fact that the holidays are gone, I have resolved to let it go and move on.

Now the question is - What did I do over this four weeks of holiday? Truthfully speaking, I did nothing meaningful. I'm a planner, but not a doer, which is irritating as I've spent almost the whole of the last week of the second term sketching out the things I have instructed myself to do, and in the end, virtually nothing was completed.

Well one of the things that I have told myself umpteen times to do is to read books. Yes, books are useful tools if we want to improve on our languages, and I'm glad that I have at least managed to complete one, but what gets me all worked up is not reading a Chinese book. As most of my friends know, I am not really good at Chinese. My parents have been telling me to read one, but no matter how many times I tell myself to do it, I just can't bring myself to do it, but simply deceive myself by saying, " Oh don't worry, you've still got time, just do something more interesting." In the end, I never got started.

Secondly, I have planned to clear my room. On the surface it might look clean, but search my closets and shelves, and you get a whole different view. During the school term, sometimes I rush to pack my bag after completing an assignment, and in the process leaving unneeded books and notes on my workplace, before dozing off in bed. As a result, my work is left everywhere. Thankfully, I still managed to locate my things when I need them. But with piles of paper stacked over my desk, it becomes rather unsightly. And what irks me is that it still remained the way it was when the third term started.

Thinking on how much discipline I lack in completing task, I despised myself and began going into depression. But I pulled myself out of it as I told myself - Being depressed is like sitting on a rocking, being stuck at one spot, unable to move forward. It wasn't worth crying over spilled milk. And so I've learnt to face my problems with confidence, and to not be knocked down by previous failures, but to grow out from them and learn from them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rainbow Death Analysis

America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

Hubert WilsonBackgroundThis poem was written by Hubert Wilson, a Vietnam War veteran who served in the USAF Security Service. Hubert along with a dozen or so intelligence school grads, were prepped for around 14 months at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas, before anticipating to be deployed in Vietnam or elsewhere in southeat Asia in 1970. About half of them ended up in Da Nang, which was an Agent Orange hotspot, in the 6924th Security Squadron. The rest of them were assigned to Shemya Island, Alaska, with the 6984th Security Squadron, which eventually became a more contaminated environment than Da Nang.
ConflictThis conflict occurred during the Vietnam War from 1962 to 1971, where the Americans were supporting the South Vietnamese in their battle against North Vietnam, in an attempt to restrict the spread of communism. Why this poem is significant to both the Americans and the Vietcong (North Vietnam) is because Herbicidal Warfare was engaged, in which a chemical weapon known as "Agent Orange" was used. Agent orange is the code name for an herbicide and defoliant,contaminated with TCDD, which was used by the U.S. military in its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War. Its intended purpose was to remove the leaves of the trees in the dense jungles of Vietnam, to destroy the Vietcong's hiding locations. However, it contained certain chemicals that harmed the humans body system. Birth Defects and other disabilities were present with those who had contact with this herbicide weapon. According to Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects.
Point of View This poem is written in an intellectual point of view. It roughly summarises the situation, which depicts the horrors and agony of both the innocent and the convicted. This is shown from almost the entire poem, which explains their wrongdoing and urgent need to stop such herbicide warfare to prevent any more of such horrors to take place. It might have been written in a third person point of view because “America”, which is repeated in the poem for could instead be personified as another person in the poem.
Situation and SettingThe situation as stated in "Rainbow Death" combines both emotions and social matter. The nature of this conflict is a combination of ethics and social characteristics. "America did not foresee” that “Green, pink, purple and other colour deaths potpourri” shows that America sincerely did not intend the effects of their different coloured herbicides to be extremely deadly. “Generations untold WILL pay” and “Execrable effects of the Orange Spray” shows that the unsightly effects of “Agent Orange” will be passed on to the next generation and the next of Vietnamese people, affecting the innocent lives of the children yet to be born. Thus, this shows the low ethic level of the Americans as they did not care for the next generation, which would forever be a negative impact on the Vietnamese society.

Language and Diction The poet presents conveys his message in a rather straightforward way, which makes the readers understand it easily. There tone used was also rather humorous and chirpy, as we can see from “America did not foresee”, “Now thinking twice?” and "Execrable effects of agent orange spray!". Though America was not being able to foresee the pain and agony the herbicides would cause to the people to such a great extent, they failed to think twice , which implies that even after the Americans realised the horrific effects of herbicidal warfare , they continued to implement such a measure, signifying their little regret and guiltiness. It also shows that America had gone against its principals it had uphold, which is freedom and to ensure the welfare of its people.
Personal ResponseI have learnt that war is a terrible thing, and that we should resort to war only as the last choice. Matters and disputes should be resolved politically and diplomatically, when possible. As it would not only affect the present generation, but future generations as well. Bloodshed and suffering could be avoided if we as humans learn to compromise, to love and share, and to empathise with one another. War causes us to override our principals which govern our lives, to go against our conscience and ultimately, it will reveal the inner evil of us that we try so hard to conceal, and turn us into savages and barbarians.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

OPSL Movie Nite

This event was held primarily for the secondary ones of Ortus, and I had to attend it was felt that this was a very meaningful way to get to bond with the Sec ones through this movie. The duration of this event was 3 hours, from 5.30pm to 8.30pm. Due to some preparations, the movie did not start screening until 6. During the movie, snacks were provided and the lights were out.

The point of showing the movie is to promote teamwork, as we believe that teamwork is a key factor to completing a project. This was shown when a group of thieves were challenging another thief who was working alone, in stealing a golden 'egg', and that the group of thieves eventually won, despite the odds. I particularly enjoyed the part where some of members of the group were arrested and while the rest of the team were still fixed on trying to complete the task, and used a very innovative idea to try and pull the job off. Overall, I enjoyed watching the movie and spending time with Sec 1s and I hope such an event would be organised again.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

One more week the end of term 1

Hooray!!! The end of term 1 is near! After two months or so of blood, sweat and tears, I could finally initiate my 'sleeping marathon'! However, there are some things in my holiday schedule which causes me to have mixed feelings for the coming long-awaited March holidays.

Firstly, I will talk about why I'm looking forward to this one week of holiday. During this period of time, I would be able to reflect on the mistakes I made during the first term and brainstorm of solutions to solve or improve on them. For example, in the case of my studies, I could meditate on what went wrong before or during the test, and come up with a timetable to better manage my time and draft out a revision checklist to guide me as to what to revise during the second term.

Secondly, I could also use this time to catch up with my friends and break the ice together. After graduating from Primary school in 2008, we did not have as much time as we had during primary school to hang out due to studies, CCA commitments etc. Also, because we were all in different schools. The March holidays would be a good time to catch up with them by going to movies, eating together or just spend a day at one of my friend's houses, doing nothing but playing and eating.

Now, I will be talking about why I dread the coming March holidays. Well, firstly, I have CCA trainings the whole week except for Wednesday and the weekend, and it starts at 8 in the morning. The thing is, I do not dislike going for trainings, it's the travelling that irks me. To make it in time for training, I have to wake up at 6.30 in the morning, and catch the bus at 7. Why? Well, that's because I live considerably far away from the school and secondly, at 7, that's when the morning rush hour commences, and traffic jams are rife at this time. I would also have to squeeze with the morning rush hour crowd in the bus for about 1 hour or so. Another reason why I dread the coming holidays is also because of certain activities that I need to attend during the one week, which might stretch the whole afternoon.

With all this activities during the holidays, some of you might even consider this as a normal schooling week. But I guess this is normal for a secondary school student, and we must all learn how to adapt to this kind of life.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy 78th Birthday Grandma!

Today was one of the best times I had in my life!!! I think it is the first time I celebrated my grandma's birthday as I cannot recall another like this in the past.

Well, the celebration was scheduled to begin at 6.30 in the evening at my cousins' semi-detached house, with dinner kicking off this memorable event. But it began at 7 instead as some of my relatives arrived late or were catching up with one another. For me, I spent the half an hour hitting ladies' fingers off from a tree using a long wooden pole along with one of cousins. Sounds weird right? My cousin happen to have a ladies' fingers tree growing in their backyard, and since we was bored, we decided to do this to past the time. All the ladies' fingers that we acquired were given to my aunt.

After wolfing down the scrumptious dinner, we gathered to have our family photo taken. We had a few formal shots before having a couple 'funny' shots. I recounted myself trying to 'decorate' my cousins that I nearly fell off the stairs! When this was done, the kids went to play with their game consoles while the adults just spend their time talking to one another.

Then, here comes my favourite part of all - the singing of the birthday song! Seeing the smile on my Grandma's face really touched me as I have not seen her smile like that before and I knew she was really ecstatic to see her children gathering together to celebrate her birthday. Then, the cutting of the cake followed before the eating of it. Somehow while eating my share of the cake, I unknowingly spilled some cream on my shirt, but I think no one noticed it. Then, after downing cups of water and seeing my younger cousins playing with fire, it was time to say goodbye.

During this event, it really made me appreciate having such an amazing grandmother. Whenever my father announced that we are paying a visit to her, I would sigh and start whining about how boring it would be, and start coming up with excuses to avoid going out to visit. But this event made me realized that this little visit could really brighten up my grandma's day and would go a long way for her. I have since decided to change my mindset and stop taking my grandmother for granted.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

E-Learning Assignment- Multiple Intelligence Learning Profile

Hey guys! Here is my multiple intelligence learning profile results:

Linguistic -17

Logical -16

Interpersonal -18

Intrapersonal -17

Musical -17

Visual/Spatial -16

Naturalistic -17

Alright, first of all, what I feel about my intelligence test results. Well, when I saw my results, I was quite surprise. For me personally, I think I am more of a intrapersonal and naturalistic person. I did not expect myself to be a linguistic and musical person. Want to know why?

First of all, for linguistic, I'm not really good at languages, both English and Chinese. Whenever I communicate in Chinese, my pronunciation would sometimes sound really awkward and would frequently have many pauses in between. As for English, sometimes I would stammer or just get tongue-tied for no apparent reason. Secondly, musical. I cannot play any instruments, though I tried learning the piano about six years ago but gave up due to the lack of commitment. Furthermore, I cannot compose a song or a poem. On the other hand, I love music as it is one way I can just relax and clear my mind from all my troubles, other than playing sports and sleeping.

Now, what I feel about the test. For the cons, I find the questions of the test are a little inaccurate and unreliable, though I cannot point out why specifically. Maybe it is because I did not expect certain results to turn out the way I wanted, or it is just a gut feeling. As for the pros, the test results might provide us with some encouragement, by giving us a little 'surprise'. For example, in my case, I did not expect myself to be a musical and linguistic person, but it might tell me that I have potential in these areas that I have yet to discover, which might give me some encouragement to leave my comfort zone to explore and unlock the potential that I might hold in these areas.

Overall, I am quite satisfied with the test and my results as it has given me a more or less idea of what I am gifted in, which I have been dying to find out. Though I am still not quite convinced.

Monday, March 1, 2010

E-Learning Task - Interpersonal

Conduct an interview on your friends or family member. Ask them about their point of view about prejudice and discrimination.

I conducted an interview on my father and this transcript of it.

ME: What do you think prejudice and discrimination is about?
Prejudice is a mindset or a belief that is factually wrong of a certain person.
Discrimination would be unfair or unequal treatment towards a group of people or a particular person.

ME: Can you state some examples of prejudice?
Well, for example, farmers are uneducated and teachers are more upright than the man on the street. And in school, passive students might be deemed as proud or just plain problematic and people who have a certain hairstyle or are dressed in a certain way are flirtatious or 'nerdy'.

ME: Can you state some examples of discrimination?
For example, the school admission is based on the social standing of the parents, and certain exclusive clubs permit membership based on the social status of people, whereby they have to be holding on to prestigious positions in society such as a chief executive officer, lawyer, surgeons and financial controllers, which are mostly high-salaried jobs, are allowed such privileges.

ME: Have you ever experienced discrimination?
Fortunately, I have not experienced any form of discrimination yet, or probably I have but I just could not recall.

E-Learning Task - Intrapersonal

Write a diary entry for a major character of the novel.

Dear Diary,

Last night was a really exhilarating experience. That fateful night, after suppertime, Atticus came into the living room with a long electrical extension cord with a light bulb attached at the end. He told us he would be going out for a while and left in his car, which was rather awkward as Atticus rarely takes the car out other than leaving for a business trip, and I wonder where would he go at such a late time. So Jem, Dill and I decided to go downtown. We searched Atticus’ office before moving on to ‘The Maycomb Tribune Office’. Along the way, we realized a strange thing – a solitary light burning in a distance. As we knew that the jail did not have an outside light, we went there to investigate, and saw Atticus sitting propped against the front door reading. I wanted to run to him but Jem held me back and said that we would be going home.

Just then, four dusty cars zipped by in a line and stopped in front of the jail. The three of us rushed to Tyndal’s Hardware door to get a closer look. Some men spilled out of the car in ones and twos while Atticus remained where he was. The men then talked in near whispers and I broke of Jem and began running towards Atticus. It thought he would have a fine surprise but it turned out the other way. When Jem and Dill came running towards us too, Atticus asked Jem to take Dill and I home but he refused. At about that time, I saw a Mr Cunningham and began talking about entailments and Walter, his son. Soon, I realized that the men and Atticus were looking at me with their mouths half-open. I was slowly drying as I realized what idiocy I had committed, when Mr Cunningham squatted down, took me by both shoulders and said,” I’ll tell him you said hey, little lady”. With that, he and the rest of the men got into their ramshackle cars and left.

Till now, I can’t understand why Atticus had to wait outside the jail, and why those men were there too. It was like Atticus expected them to come. Were they going to hurt him, or were they trying to hurt someone in jail and Atticus was there to protect that someone from harm? And was it my idiotic speech that eventually made the men leave? In times like this, I wish I have someone really smart, someone who could answer all my questions and clarify my doubts, no matter how bizarre they may seem.


Jean Louise Finch

Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Cross-Country Race of the Year

Today was a tiring day for me. Not only did I completed the race, I had to attend church later in the afternoon, but I would not go further into that part.

I had to meet the rest of the team at Bedok Reservoir at 7am, and I had to skip breakfast as I woke up late that morning. We gathered near a shelter which held part of the Berlin Wall inside, got briefed by our coach before proceeding to another venue to place our bags. Then, we had a short warm up run before moving on to stretching. We had a quick sip of water to hydrate ourselves before walking to the starting line. Then, the race commenced.

After crossing the finishing line, I waited for the rest of the team along with a friend before moving back to where our bags were. We hydrated ourselves by drinking the isotonic drink provided and supported our seniors who were also completing their race. We then gathered with our seniors and proceeded to the booth which was providing free isotonic drinks and stacked the 70+ cups into a tall pillar out of fun! We then waited for the results and stayed behind for the lucky draw, which I missed by one number, before travelling to Tampines for lunch. From there, we parted ways and said goodbyes to each other.

Through this experience, I have discovered where I stand in competition level, and has also encouraged me to train harder as I believe every ounce of effort I put in would be a step closer to achieving my goal, which is to be in the top 10 for the National Cross-Country race. Also, I had a wonderful time spending my Saturday morning with my friends.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Guess what... I'm back!

Yup, that's right, I'm back! I know I have not been blogging for a REALLY long time, but since this is part of my English syllabus, I guess I have to do this if I want to score well. Alright, a brief overview on what I am going to blog about. Well, basically snippets of my daily life and experiences in school, and stuff of the literature novel to kill a mockingbird!

For those who have yet to read this book, it's about Scout and her brother Jem, who lives in a small American town known as Maycomb, trying to learn and identify the various shapes of evil, such as double-standards, prejudice and discrimination etc, and trying to understand how people behave the way they do. Some of my friends found this book rather boring, but I found it quite interesting,
though I have to admit some parts can be boring.

Be sure to catch some interesting stuff on my blog!